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NRA Tactical Police Competition Opens in Virginia

NRA Tactical Police Competition Opens in Virginia

Day One of NRA's Regional Tactical Police Competition opened today in Northern Virginia under cloudy...
The Legend In The Swamp

The Legend In The Swamp

The impact of a coach from Georgia and the legacy he...
135th National Skirmish of the North – South Skirmish Association

135th National Skirmish of the North – South Skirmish Association

Looking for a fun, educational, and exciting event this weekend...
NRA Instructors Help Hone VMI Combat Shooting Team’s Competitive Edge

NRA Instructors Help Hone VMI Combat Shooting Team’s Competitive Edge

Elite experts prepare cadets for upcoming competition…
A (Very) Quick Overview of NCAA Rifle Competition Rules

A (Very) Quick Overview of NCAA Rifle Competition Rules

A sample look at the guidelines governing college shooting…
NRA Competitive Shooting Series, Part 4: Shooter Classifications and National Records

NRA Competitive Shooting Series, Part 4: Shooter Classifications and National Records

Learn about the different classifications in competitive shooting...
NRA Competitive Shooting Series, Part 3: How to Find a Match and What to Expect

NRA Competitive Shooting Series, Part 3: How to Find a Match and What to Expect

Learn about the different NRA shooting competitions you can get involved in...
The Impact of the The NRA Foundation

The Impact of the The NRA Foundation

How The NRA Foundation grant program helped this Olympic style rifle team…
Tips to succeed from NRA World Shooting Championship veterans

Tips to succeed from NRA World Shooting Championship veterans

Sound advice from shooters who've completed the 12 stages of NRA's premier shooting championship match.


Find out what the NRA was doing at Bristol Motor Speedway...
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines...

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines...

NASCAR fans get real tactical training with the NRA at Bristol Motor Speedway...
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