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NRA Announces 2017 Youth Education Summit Class

NRA Announces 2017 Youth Education Summit Class

Congratulations to this year's selected students...
Volunteer of the Week: Ray Hollingsworth

Volunteer of the Week: Ray Hollingsworth

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Friends Celebrating Friends

Friends Celebrating Friends

Friends of NRA’s founding committee hosts its 25th annual event...
Shooting Straight With Charlie Daniels

Shooting Straight With Charlie Daniels

Q&A with American music legend and patriot Charlie Daniels...
Volunteer of the Week: Ray Campbell

Volunteer of the Week: Ray Campbell

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Volunteer of the Week: Sean Ford

Volunteer of the Week: Sean Ford

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteer of the Week...
Volunteers of the Week: Gary and Pat Graef

Volunteers of the Week: Gary and Pat Graef

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Volunteer of the Week: Chris Lyons

Volunteer of the Week: Chris Lyons

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteer of the Week...
Fundraising Warrior Targets Rural Kentucky

Fundraising Warrior Targets Rural Kentucky

How Eric Landrum brought Friends of NRA to his hometown...
Volunteer of the Week: Brian Huss

Volunteer of the Week: Brian Huss

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteer of the Week...
Volunteer of the Week: Michael Whitkanack

Volunteer of the Week: Michael Whitkanack

Check out the Friends of NRA Volunteer of the Week…
Firearms, Freedom and Family: The Values That Drive Daniel Defense

Firearms, Freedom and Family: The Values That Drive Daniel Defense

The Georgia gunmaker’s commitment to principles and people…
Shooting Straight With Sandy Froman

Shooting Straight With Sandy Froman

Q&A with author, attorney and NRA Past President Sandy Froman...
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