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NRA's Youth Education Summit Expands To Two Sessions In 2018!

NRA's Youth Education Summit Expands To Two Sessions In 2018!

Double the students, double the fun, double the reach for building...
Volunteer of the Week: Tim Leger

Volunteer of the Week: Tim Leger

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Saluting It Forward

Saluting It Forward

A tradition rippling through Arkansas as...
Volunteer of the Week: Brian Mrnak

Volunteer of the Week: Brian Mrnak

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Shooting Straight With Kim Rhode

Shooting Straight With Kim Rhode

Q&A with Double Trap and Olympic Skeet Medalist Kim Rhode...
Volunteer of the Week: Dave Anatra

Volunteer of the Week: Dave Anatra

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
What I Learned At The Youth Education Summit

What I Learned At The Youth Education Summit

The lasting impact YES had with a student from New York...
Home On The Range

Home On The Range

How a shooting range came into existence to one of the nation's lowest populated...
2017 Virginia State Youth Education Summit

2017 Virginia State Youth Education Summit

How this program leaves a memorable footprint in Virginia...
Volunteer of the Week: Joe Fackler

Volunteer of the Week: Joe Fackler

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
Volunteer of the Week: Dale Emerick

Volunteer of the Week: Dale Emerick

Check out Friends of NRA's Volunteers of the Week...
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