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The Future of NRA Education Programs

The Future of NRA Education Programs

The NRA isn't just political. It provides impactful education and safety programs...
Albuquerque Hosts 2015 National Police Shooting Championships

Albuquerque Hosts 2015 National Police Shooting Championships

Law enforcement officers from through the U.S. and the world test their firearm skills at...
To The Self-Admitted Klutz from the Chicago Tribune

To The Self-Admitted Klutz from the Chicago Tribune

Just because you're a klutz doesn't mean a hundred million responsible gun owners are too...
What Your NRA Decal Really Says About You

What Your NRA Decal Really Says About You

How do we know who the good guys are? They probably have an NRA decal...
Brady Campaign Criticizes NRA Partnership With Indiana National Guard

Brady Campaign Criticizes NRA Partnership With Indiana National Guard

Free NRA training for guardsmen seeking to carry a concealed firearm is somehow a bad...
Why Should You Become an NRA Instructor?

Why Should You Become an NRA Instructor?

Teaching others to become safe, ethical, and responsible shooters is a rewarding experience...
NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

Student from Illinois will be first to earn NRA Safety Instructor Certificate at Trinidad State...
NRA Outdoors Wants to Make You A Long Range Marksman

NRA Outdoors Wants to Make You A Long Range Marksman

Learn to hit targets out to 1,000 yards at an NRA Outdoors Long Range School...
Last Minute Father's Day Gift Ideas for the #NRADad

Last Minute Father's Day Gift Ideas for the #NRADad

With Father's Day around the corner, we here at the NRA decided to collaborate and...
New Women's Outdoor News writer attends her first Women On Target clinic

New Women's Outdoor News writer attends her first Women On Target clinic

NRA Women On Target is a safe, fun introduction to firearms safety and marksmanship by...
Boy Scouts join American Legion and NRA Instructors for Camp Noble Cause

Boy Scouts join American Legion and NRA Instructors for Camp Noble Cause

Community says thanks to active duty military with weekend getaway to Scout Reservation
NRA sells 1,000,000th Basic Pistol Handbook

NRA sells 1,000,000th Basic Pistol Handbook

Education and Training Division reaches milestone with pistol guidebook
Demand for NRA Program Materials reaches All-Time High

Demand for NRA Program Materials reaches All-Time High

NRA sets all time sales records in January, breaks record in February
US Army Sniper Instructors compete in Kentucky 3-Gun

US Army Sniper Instructors compete in Kentucky 3-Gun

NRA Board Member sponsors Army Sniper Instructors for 3-Gun
Online resources available for NRA Certified Instructors Online resources available for NRA

Online resources available for NRA Certified Instructors Online resources available for NRA

If you're one of our 70,000 NRA Certified Instructors, don't forget you can renew your...
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