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Goodbye Summer, Hello Football!

Goodbye Summer, Hello Football!

Take game day to the gun range with this month’s targets...
NRA Foundation grants help school shooting teams mine ‘golden’ opportunities

NRA Foundation grants help school shooting teams mine ‘golden’ opportunities

Ginny Thrasher's Olympic journey began in school programs supported by the NRA.
American teenage rifle champion secures first gold medal of Rio games

American teenage rifle champion secures first gold medal of Rio games

Virginia's Ginny Trasher shot her way to Olympic gold in the women's 10-meter air rifle...
The Faces of NRA's 2016 Youth Education Summit

The Faces of NRA's 2016 Youth Education Summit

Meet some of the students from this year's Y.E.S program, and hear how it impacted...
Build Your Own Bug Out Bag

Build Your Own Bug Out Bag

First step to survival is being prepared...
Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?

We Caught up with Two Y.E.S. Alumni to learn about why they are headed back...
NRA Releases Powerful New Ads Featuring Millennial Women

NRA Releases Powerful New Ads Featuring Millennial Women

Watch these young women speak their support for the Second Amendment..
The Truth Is...We Are Freedom's Safest Place

The Truth Is...We Are Freedom's Safest Place

Welcome to Louisville, Shannon Watts...
Daddy Didn’t Raise No Victim

Daddy Didn’t Raise No Victim

Why I Chose to Get My Concealed Carry...
Collegiate Shooting 101

Collegiate Shooting 101

Welcome to your introduction on the collegiate shooting sports. This will be on the test...
High schoolers: Apply now for the 2016 Youth Education Summit

High schoolers: Apply now for the 2016 Youth Education Summit

Are you ready for the trip of a lifetime this summer?
Help the Second Amendment this Giving Tuesday

Help the Second Amendment this Giving Tuesday

Take a moment to join the global movement of #GivingTuesday to give back...
The Future of NRA Education Programs

The Future of NRA Education Programs

The NRA isn't just political. It provides impactful education and safety programs...
Why College Freshmen Should Refuse To Be A Victim

Why College Freshmen Should Refuse To Be A Victim

From elementary schools to colleges, classes are starting back up again… as a recent college...
Meet The Students Of Y.E.S.

Meet The Students Of Y.E.S.

It’s been an exciting week at the NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S)! Here is a...
Y.E.S. Week Has Begun!

Y.E.S. Week Has Begun!

It’s an exciting week here at Headquarters! The NRA Youth Education Submit (Y.E.S.) has begun...
NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

Student from Illinois will be first to earn NRA Safety Instructor Certificate at Trinidad State...
Get Buff With Jessie Duff

Get Buff With Jessie Duff

In this week’s Firearm Science on NRA All Access, world champion shooter Jessie Duff showed...
Oregon State Friends of NRA Announces Scholarship Recipients

Oregon State Friends of NRA Announces Scholarship Recipients

$20,000 in scholarships awarded for higher education
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