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Safety & Education

To The Self-Admitted Klutz from the Chicago Tribune

To The Self-Admitted Klutz from the Chicago Tribune

Just because you're a klutz doesn't mean a hundred million responsible gun owners are too...
Back To School Tips from Refuse To Be A Victim

Back To School Tips from Refuse To Be A Victim

Read these tips on how to safely start the new school year...
8 Tips For Great Range Etiquette

8 Tips For Great Range Etiquette

Everyone wants to have a good time at the shooting range, so follow these rules...
Why College Freshmen Should Refuse To Be A Victim

Why College Freshmen Should Refuse To Be A Victim

From elementary schools to colleges, classes are starting back up again… as a recent college...
10 Things You Learn by Carrying a Gun Every Day

10 Things You Learn by Carrying a Gun Every Day

What can you learn when you carry every day? A whole lot, it turns out.
Improve Your Shot With Firearm Science

Improve Your Shot With Firearm Science

Explore some of the most basic and elaborate shooting concepts...
2015 Youth Education Summit Recap

2015 Youth Education Summit Recap

Another year, another success...46 students from across the country come together in Washington, DC for...
Y.E.S. Has Taken D.C. By Storm

Y.E.S. Has Taken D.C. By Storm

The students of the NRA Youth Education Summit have been having a blast this week...
Meet The Students Of Y.E.S.

Meet The Students Of Y.E.S.

It’s been an exciting week at the NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S)! Here is a...
Y.E.S. Week Has Begun!

Y.E.S. Week Has Begun!

It’s an exciting week here at Headquarters! The NRA Youth Education Submit (Y.E.S.) has begun...
NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

NRA Safety Instructor College Course Prepares to Graduate First Student

Student from Illinois will be first to earn NRA Safety Instructor Certificate at Trinidad State...
The Rules of NRA Gun Safety

The Rules of NRA Gun Safety

Follow these rules to ensure you and everybody around you stays safe...
Talk to Your Kids About Gun Safety

Talk to Your Kids About Gun Safety

No matter where you stand in the gun debate...
Giving Credit Where Credit's Due...

Giving Credit Where Credit's Due...

NBC Dateline ran an episode on Sunday June 21st about kids and gun safety, but...
NRA Foundation CFO Visits Minnesota Sportsmen's Club

NRA Foundation CFO Visits Minnesota Sportsmen's Club

NRA Foundation grants help hundreds of clubs enjoy the shooting sports each year...
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