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What Are You Carrying Today?

What Are You Carrying Today?

It should come as no surprise that, being the National Rifle Association, employees are allowed to carry to work... and they're no shortage of people who do. In this What Are You Carrying Today, we asked an NRA Firearms Specialist at the NRA Museums division to show us what a typical day looks like in their pockets.

1. Wallet
2. Security badge
3. Chapstick
4. Pocket knife
5. Keys
6. Smith & Wesson 638 .38 Special
7. White cotton gloves

While too large for pockets, the firearms specialist was also carrying copies of the Blue Book of Gun Values and Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms and Their Values. 

What do you carry around in your pockets? Share your everyday essentials below!
What Are You Carrying Today

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