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Seven best books for gun collectors


When you hand out a business card that reads “Curator, NRA Museums,” you know you are inviting an endless stream of individuals calling, writing or emailing about their need to identify a firearm that they have a desire to know more about -- that’s the nature of the business.

I have always welcomed the inquiries that I cannot answer off of the top of my head, as it has driven me to expand my knowledge and understanding of arms and exposed me to something new.

To assist us in our daily tasks, each of the Curators here at the NRA’s National Firearms Museum has a personal library that we rely upon very frequently.

These are seven of my favorite (and most often used) books in the field of gun collecting:


For those not quite ready to build a collection but want to appreciate a vast, illustrated history of firearms, the staff of the NRA National Firearms Museum have authored "The Illustrated History of Firearms," available at the NRAstore.

To see one of the world's finest collections of historic, rare and unique firearms, visit the NRA Museums in person or online at http://www.nramuseum.com.

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