Who taught you to shoot? It’s a question you get asked more often than you probably realize. Sure, you remember exactly who took you to the range for the first time and how old you were. So you give a quick response and go about your business. But do you take the time to reflect back on the experience? Take a minute, think about the first time you fired a gun, shot a bow, or bagged your first buck. Who taught you? Why did they teach you? What makes that memory so vivid in your head?
I was very privileged to have one of the best New Zealand and international shooters as my coach, my father, Karl Piper. But in no way did having my father as my coach make it easier! My dad was originally a hunter who was introduced to shooting pistols by a very good friend who I called Uncle John. Most NRA action pistol shooters know him as a great contributor to the sport and that's why we have the John Cameron Memorial Cup every year all over the world.
It was inevitable that I was going to shoot, as a baby, my mother would take me to the gun club to watch my dad shoot. As my brother and I got older we even thought it was cool to pick up brass, although that quickly changed! My dad taught my whole family too shoot, my sister, mum, brother and myself. It was pretty awesome to have the entire family enfolded. I guess growing up with guns it was in my blood and I never saw them for anything other than an enjoyable sport and I am very lucky to have had such an awesome experience. It taught me a lot about responsibility, discipline and dedication. My dad has shaped me into the successful competitive shooter and woman that I am today and I cannot thank him enough. We have always had this competitive streak between us, which is great to have that fun and it drives us further to do better. Last but not least, a huge thank you to my dad for all the blood sweat and tears he has put into making me the woman and shooter I am today.