For some of us, summer is a time for beaches, lakes, swimming pools, and cookouts. It's a time to kick back and enjoy family while hiding from the heat. But for hunters, this is a time of preparation and anticipation for the upcoming season! It gets me fired up to see friends all over the country getting ready to take to the woods for hunting season this fall.
To some people they may think that hunters just walk into the woods, climb a tree, and shoot a deer- but I'm here to tell you that couldn't be further from the truth. Hunters are workers who respect and appreciate the outdoors and put a lot of time into the off season in preparation for their hunts to come.
Food Plots Food plots can be greatly beneficial to your hunts along with being beneficial to the health of the animals on your property. Hunters across the country have been busy since spring working the ground and planting food plots getting ready for fall in hopes of reaping the benefits during the hunting season.
Trail Cameras The summer season is a great time to set up trail cameras, begin monitoring bucks and taking inventory of potential shooters come season.
Fine Tuning & Practice Summer is also a time to dial in with your bow. I like to practice scenarios all throughout the summer; shooting from tree stands, on the ground, in a chair from a ground blind, and even from one knee. This helps build my confidence for any situation I may find myself in. It's also important if you have the ability to target shoot from different angles; broadside, quartering to, quartering away. Practice will ensure comfort and ease in your arrow placement no matter the angle of the animal at the moment you take that shot. Practice is crucial in all types of shooting, from bow to gun, it's important that you are first and foremost safe. And in addition that you're accurate and effective with your shooting.
Physical & Mental Preparation My last form of preparation for the upcoming season is always being physically and mentally prepared. Many hunters will take to the Elk woods this fall and need to be prepared for the differences in altitude and terrain. Be sure to utilize your time this summer and be active. Run, walk, hike or lift- whatever your body requires to be fit and ready for any potential hunts that will require physical fitness.
Whatever prep you are during throughout these hot summer months, it's exciting because it means hunting season will soon be upon us! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!