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NRA Members' Council Brings Eddie Eagle's Safety Message To Local Bass Pro Shops


The NRA Members’ Council of Westside Los Angeles recently teamed up with Bass Pro Shops and hosted an outreach event in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

Volunteers and activists from the NRA Members’ Councils of California participate in grassroots efforts that promote the programs, policies and objectives of the National Rifle Association. This particular event, the team focused on safety and utilized the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program.

The event was staffed by volunteers from the Council where they spent the day engaging parents and children about Eddie’s important safety message: STOP! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up. Eddie also made an appearance where he greeted families, took pictures, and shared some of his safety materials including a DVD, activity book, and stickers.

“What makes this program so special is that everyone gets to be a part of Eddie’s Wing Team,” said Assistant Members’ Council Coordinator David Halbrook. “When we have an event with Eddie, volunteers come from out of the woodwork to be a part of it in any way.”


With a tremendous turnout, Bass Pro Shops Store Manager Bob Minor, extended an invite to Eddie to attend other events at his store on a regular basis.

“Eddie was a great addition to our recent NRA weekend event,” said Minor. “He passed out stickers, gave hugs, and met with everyone around the store – the kids loved him!”

With community outreach events like these, parents and children are gaining more than the opportunity to meet a character, they learn an important safety message, are given the resources to continue that experience, and together, help prevent accidents and keep children safe. That’s what it’s all about.

To learn more about Eddie Eagle and his safety message, click here!

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