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NRAstore Product Highlight: High Caliber Wind Chime

NRAstore Product Highlight: High Caliber Wind Chime

Nothing says America like a cabin porch with rocking chairs, muddy boots, a lazy hound and our brand new NRA High Caliber Wind Chime!

No, this is not your father’s wind chime – ours is made with an array of high caliber spent shell casings, including the mammoth 20mm. The weather treated pine base and brass chains also support .50 BMG, .45 ACP and .223 brass casings. An NRA dog tag dangles in the middle of all that firepower.

We’re proud to say that these works of art are hand constructed in Nevada using 100% American made materials. Ring in freedom the American way with the NRA High Caliber Wind Chime only available at NRAstore.com!

While you’re there, be sure to request a free copy our new 2016 Fall Catalog. It’s chock full of new products designed to enhance the NRA lifestyle.

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