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For Him
SportsMan's Box. The Sportsman's Box is a monthly delievery of gear and supplies all catered towards the sportsman's lifestyle. Their team of sportsmen carefully test and select unique products for each box that will keep your mud room stocked for seasons to come. With our monthly boxes you can be sure you have everything you need for your next outing. From hunting in the fall to fishing in the spring to ever day life, our box will satisfy the sportsman in you.

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For Her
GatorSkin. Gatorskins® thermals are the warmest and best solution for cold weather outdoor sports; in fact, they are a fantastic warm body answer for any outdoor activity in cold weather. Knitted from an extremely thin and lightweight material that moves with the wearer. A breathable and rugged fabric, that is water repellent and warms three times better than wool. Great stuff!

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For Him
In the Words of Christ Janson - Money can't buy happiness. But it could buy me a boat. Because what man doesn't want a boat of his own?

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For Her
Spent Rounds. Spent Rounds Designs (SRD) jewelry products are made from recycled fired ammunition scraps. The presence on SRD jewelry of a trademark from the original ammunition manufacturer does not mean that SRD has any relationship with that ammunition manufacturer or that the ammunition manufacturer had anything to do with the manufacture, marketing or sale of SRD jewelry. SRD has no relationship with any ammunition manufacturer, and no ammunition manufacturer played any role in the manufacture, marketing or sale of our jewelry productsSpent Rounds Designs (SRD) jewelry products are made from recycled fired ammunition scraps. The presence on SRD jewelry of a trademark from the original ammunition manufacturer does not mean that SRD has any relationship with that ammunition manufacturer or that the ammunition manufacturer had anything to do with the manufacture, marketing or sale of SRD jewelry. SRD has no relationship with any ammunition manufacturer, and no ammunition manufacturer played any role in the manufacture, marketing or sale of our jewelry products

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For Him
We have heard that one way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If you man likes beef Jerky then the vendors at the Great American Outdoor Show are where you need to be.

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For Her
Nothing says I love you more then a Membership to the NRA. But a membership to the NRA for her means more then you might think. It means programs, educational training and groups that are specifically for her. Make her fall in love with the NRA - just like you are.

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For Both
A Hunt for Two. Visit the Great American Outdoor Show and enter the Hunting Outfitters Hall - you will find every hunting adventure under the sun. Find one that fits both of you and enjoy and adventure that both of you will never forget.