In last night’s GOP Town Hall on CNN, Presidential Candidate Ben Carson responded to the question, “What is your plan to preserve my rights to own a gun, and also to protect the American people?” in a very NRA fashion...
“[Offer] gun safety to all the citizens who want to take it so they can protect themselves.”
Watch the full clip here:
What a novel idea for a Presidential candidate to suggest being trained in how to defend yourself and your family rather than confiscating a tool used for protection. And good thing there’s an organization out there committed to training millions of Americans every year in how to safely and effectively use a firearm.
Founded on those principles, the NRA is still the number one resource in firearm training. The NRA reaches more gun owners than any other organization in the world, offering courses ranging from basic to advanced, and ensuring that gun owners, new and old, have what they need to be responsible, trained and educated on firearms.
The NRA also continuously evaluates the landscape in which people learn, why they are purchasing firearms and can adjust course curriculums to match those needs. The new blended learning for the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course offers just that, allowing individuals to learn the fundamentals at their own pace, and then take that knowledge to a certified NRA Instructor for more hands-on training.
With the continued rise in the number of gun owners, it is important to understand your rights, and your firearms. So do what millions of other Americans have done and take a firearm training course from the number one provider today.