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NRAstore Product Highlight: Magazine Bench Speed Loader

NRAstore Product Highlight: Magazine Bench Speed Loader

Anyone who’s loaded rifle magazines by hand has uttered the words, “There HAS to be a quicker way!”

Now, thanks to the new NRA Magazine Bench Speed Loader, there is.

The bench loader is incredibly user-friendly and will save you time and your thumbs. Simply insert your magazine in the mag well, line up the cartridges tip down, and use the included pusher to load up to 30 rounds at once – that’s it! In just a few minutes, you’ll have all the loaded magazines necessary for a fun-filled day at the range. Best of all, the NRA Magazine Bench Speed Loader is the most affordable loader on the market at only $69.95. 

Quit wasting your time loading, and get back to shooting with the NRA Magazine Bench Speed Loader. Check it out at NRAstore.com, or in the new 2016 NRAstore Fall Catalog!

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