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Volunteer of the Week: Rick Meyeres

Volunteer of the Week: Rick Meyeres

This week we recognize Chairman Rick Meyeres, volunteer of 4 years with the Kern County, Central California Friends of NRA!

During his service, Rick has aold $143,000 in banquet tickets and tables, raised $22,500 in pre and post-event raffles, acquired 30 donations valued at $10,000, and arranged for underwriting of 15 items totaling $3,830.

NRA Field Representative Paul Rodarmel shared, “Rick has been in the planning stage of moving this event to its new location for over 2 years now. He was finally successful in moving his event to the Bakersfield convention center. This room is big enough to hold 600 people. We had 516 people at this year’s event with room to grow. From the time Rick gets up in the morning until he goes to bed, he is on the phone making sales or driving to his buyers picking up money. "Rick is always setting realistic goals for event improvement and personal growth and then he exceeds expectations.” It is a pleasure working with Rick. He is always eager to volunteer, actively seeks out new committee members, and leads by example. He always sets realistic goals for improvement and personal growth and then exceeds expectations.

I am delighted to have Rick Meyeres as my Volunteer of the Year. He is the most dedicated, loyal and productive volunteer of them all. He thinks about improvement year around and seemingly every day. Rick has spent over 400 hours making his event a success. He has countless new ideas and suggestions for tweaking existing activities. He is always positive and outgoing. This year has especially spot-lighted his desire to continually improve. Rick has gone above and beyond any volunteer I know.”

Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.

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