The 145th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits is only a week away! Many of you have already started mapping out all the exhibitors and events you want to see. But, I’ve got another one for you to add!
Gun Collectors Row is a must-see exhibit that only happens at NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. This is the 56th year that Gun Collectors Row will be on display, taking up 40 booth spaces in the main exhibit hall full of unique and rare firearms. NRA Affiliated Gun Collector groups from all across the country have entered their most interesting firearms in the hopes of taking home the National Gun Collectors Award. Many other awards are also given including Best Educational Displays for Antique, Classic, Contemporary, and Combined Arms.
The past two years have been won by a joint exhibit with the American Society of Arms Collectors and the Maryland Arms Collectors Association.
While the awards program only occurs at NRA Annual Meeting, look out for our National Gun Collectors Show that travels throughout the country at a different location each year. This year, it’s in Kansas City in July!
Be sure to stop by to view these incredible firearms if you’re in Louisville! The exhibit will be in the main exhibit hall under a ceiling banner reading “Collector’s Row”. You can also spot it on the Exhibit Floor Map -- marked by the green dotted square on top right-hand corner of the map.