In this week's training tip, we are going to incorporate speed with accuracy. The drill is a modified "Bill Drill." In the "Bill Drill" you go 6 shots at 7 yards on a USPSA Metric Target. In this modified version, you will shoot 6 shots at 7 yards on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper. You can start in a low ready or from the holster. If you have a shot timer, you can use it for this drill as well. Draw or present your pistol and fire 6 shots as quickly as you can without shooting outside the paper. Try to have a smooth, even cadence between shots. In case you were wondering how fast you should go, remember that you can only go as fast as you can see your sights! If you have a 1" group then it is time to speed up. Shots outside the paper are an indication you are going too fast, and it is time to slow down. If you really want to push your accuracy at speed, put the target 15 yards and repeat the drill.