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Live from SHOT Show: Kimber Releases The REeVOLVE K6s

Live from SHOT Show: Kimber Releases The REeVOLVE K6s

Coming to you live from SHOT Show! Kimber has some exciting news - The revolver has been RE-evolved. Meet K6s - isn't she a beauty!

Weighing in at only 23 ounces t
his small compact is slim and designed especially for concealed carry. A small package with an even smaller recoil - power through its unique ergonomics. Even with the smallest cylinder (1.39 - inch diameter) it's still able to hold 6 rounds of .375 Magnum. This all stainless-steel baby has no hammer. Thats right - they've internalized the hammer! 

But that is not even the best part. The number one comment about the ReEVOLVED Revolver is its advanced, double-action, no-stack trigger.

If you are in the market for a new conceal carry, you won't want to miss trying out this baby! 

Kimber SHOT Show

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