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Eddie Eagle Spent Halloween With the Detroit 300 Community Action Team

Eddie Eagle Spent Halloween With the Detroit 300 Community Action Team

“Taking Our City Back. One Neighborhood at a Time” is the slogan of the Detroit 300 Community Action Team. Founded in 2010, the Detroit 300 aims to educate their community on safety with a primary focus on the safety and security of women, children and senior citizens. The group hosts neighborhood events, works with local law enforcement at various community events, and also teaches children with after school programs. This Halloween, the Detroit 300 partnered with the Detroit Police for “Angles Night”, a cooperative effort among the community, law enforcement and fire departments in response to “Devil's Night” on Halloween Eve.

During the three days of Halloween events the Detroit Police continued their “Bridging the Gap Initiate” with haunted houses, nighttime movies, train rides, live music, free school supplies and food along with community home, school and gun safety tips for all ages. Officer Tanda Rawls-Ownes poised with attendees as “Halloween Office Witch” during the Trunk or Treat event outside of the haunted house.

Cortez Brown, the vice president of the Detroit 300 Community Action Brown explained the importance of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program to his community that “deterring children from future firearm related accidents benefits not only those individuals, but their families, schoolmates and the safety of neighborhood children at large.”

The Eddie Eagle staff looks forward to a great future with Mr. Brown and the Detroit 300, and are greatly appreciative of their efforts to make sure their community is a safe place for children during Halloween and all year round. With the efforts of many, we can make a significant impact of the safety of the children in this county and prevent firearm accidents.

Photos courtesy Detroit Police Department. Top: Eddie Eagle & RTBAV Instructor Cortez Brown (Center) and Detroit Police Officer J. Dantzler (left) explain the history and importance of the Eddie Eagle program to attendees of Detroit’s “Angles Night.” Left: Officer Tanda Rawls-Ownes posed with attendees as “Halloween Office Witch” during the Trunk or Treat event outside of the haunted house.
Eddie Eagle Detroit Michigan

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