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Constitution Day a perfect time to realize the true value of the Second Amendment

Constitution Day a perfect time to realize the true value of the Second Amendment

On Sept. 17 of every year, we pause to reflect on our nation's defining document,...
How to Reduce Muzzle Climb in the AR-15

How to Reduce Muzzle Climb in the AR-15

Control recoil with these tips...
Buying and Selling a Firearm: Straw Purchases

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Straw Purchases

Did you know straw purchases are one of the main ways that criminals acquire firearms...
Five tips for success at the NRA YHEC National Championship

Five tips for success at the NRA YHEC National Championship

These five tips can help give you a leg up on the competition in your...
Charlie Daniels: Musician, American, and NRA Life Member

Charlie Daniels: Musician, American, and NRA Life Member

Meet the Country Music Hall of Fame artist who fights for his Second Amendment rights...
Train at the NRA Outdoors Defensive Handgun Academy

Train at the NRA Outdoors Defensive Handgun Academy

Take your training to the next level...
Buying and Selling a Firearm: Interstate and "Online" Gun Sales

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Interstate and "Online" Gun Sales

Gun control supporters like to say "anyone can buy a gun on the Internet," ...but...
NRA Firearm Training Tip: Support Hand Only Shooting

NRA Firearm Training Tip: Support Hand Only Shooting

Are you prepared if you could only shoot with your support hand...
NRA Firearm Training Tip: Strong Hand Pistol Shooting

NRA Firearm Training Tip: Strong Hand Pistol Shooting

Are you prepared if you could only shoot one handed...
Who Taught You To Shoot?

Who Taught You To Shoot?

Do you remember the first time you fired a gun...
4 Common Shooting Mistakes and How to Correct Them

4 Common Shooting Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Are you making these mistakes? Here are some tips on how to fix them...
Buying and Selling a Firearm: Gun Shows

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Gun Shows

Despite what some may say, there is no such thing as a "gun show loophole"...
Buying and Selling a Firearm: Private Sales Explained

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Private Sales Explained

Want to sell your old gun, or buy a gun from someone? Here's what you...
Buying and Selling a Firearm: What is an FFL?

Buying and Selling a Firearm: What is an FFL?

First-time gun buyer? Get familiar with the acronym FFL...
Hillary, What Exactly Is Your Gun Control Agenda?

Hillary, What Exactly Is Your Gun Control Agenda?

Quotes from Hillary Clinton are leaving this voter concerned and confused...
Jenn Jacques Unveiled: The Basics

Jenn Jacques Unveiled: The Basics

In part one of this three part series, meet Jenn Jacques, a blogger, a mother...
Lessons From The Gun Range - Lesson #3

Lessons From The Gun Range - Lesson #3

Do you practice the art of Dry Firing?
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