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Volunteer of the Week: Greg Collins

Volunteer of the Week: Greg Collins

This week we recognize Chairman Greg Collins, volunteer of 3 years with the Homer, Alaska Friends of NRA

During his service, Greg has sold 11 banquet tickets raising $5,000, sold 10 sponsorships totaling $16,000, raised $10,000 in pre and post-event raffles, acquired 20 donations valued over $10,000, and arranged for underwriting of 25 items totaling $1,285.

NRA Field Representative Greg Stephens shared, “Greg keeps this committee organized by having monthly meetings, recruiting new volunteers for key positions on the committee, and by spending over 100 hours a year on event preparations.

"Greg is quick to jump in to any issue, locally or state-wide, that could affect the second amendment community."He arranged the banquet location to be free of charge for the event, and is always discussing new ideas for the annual banquet. Greg also managed to arrange a 50-gun raffle event with 300 attendees and a Friends of NRA date night/ Wall of Guns event, works diligently as the social media coordinator, seeks opportunities to promote the event, and serves as a delegate at the Alaska State Fund meetings.

Greg is quick to jump in to any issue he feels could affect the second amendment community – local or state-wide. He took it upon himself to improve the Kachemak Gun Range in order to satisfy regulations so the range would be eligible for grants in the future, volunteers as a local fireman and EMT leader, and owns two businesses. Greg also shoots competitively, is the liaison between local shooting clubs, youth shooting clubs, and Alaska Friends of NRA.”

Click here to find out how to volunteer with your local Friends of NRA chapter.

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